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Prostate Health and Play with Aneros: A Betty's Interview

The prostate, once an unknown, insignificant organ in the male body, has become a household term—or warning—for cancer, sending shivers up many men’s spine. Since 2004, when we stripped the “n” in November replacing it with an “m,” the prostate was catapulted from the dusty shelf of forgotten body parts and flung into the limelight. Understandably so, since, according to the American Cancer Society, Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men living in the US, affecting approximately 10 percent of men at some point in their lives. For such a small part of the male body, the prostate can pack quite the punch. Yet, pain isn’t the only sensation the prostate’s known for.

Located near the rectum, about 2-3 inches inside the male anal passage, this walnut-sized organ is also home to an infamous and elusive male orgasm, frequently referred to as either the “super O” or the “p-spot.” In fact, while the science is still a bit hazy, prostate massage (or pleasure) is considered an antidote or preventative measure for ubiquitous prostate illnesses, including prostate cancer, Prostatitis, and Benign Prostatic Hyper Plasia (BPH). And if the rumours about prostate massage are true, why are the benefits of prostate pleasure shrouded in secrecy and, more importantly, sitting on the sidelines when it comes to conversations about men’s health? Why do we only associate the prostate with the gut-wrenching, horrifying “c” word?

To learn more about the organ towing the line between mayhem and extreme delight in many men’s lives, I spoke with Forrest Andrews, Aneros Product and Business Development Manager, who’s been spearheading conversations online about prostate pleasure and its impact on male health since the early 2000’s. Additionally, Aneros is known for their prostate massagers and are the creators of the first hands free contraction driven massager.

Andrews discovered Aneros around 2003 after being diagnosed with Prostatitis in his mid 20’s and subsequently developing an allergy to sulpha from the antibiotics he was prescribed. “None of the antibiotics I was prescribed ever really worked well for me so I was looking for alternative treatment and I happened upon Aneros MGX (the original Aneros product),” Andrews says. “The first time I used it, I had a massive orgasm, which I didn’t expect. It redefined my whole frame of reference with respect to what arousal and fulfillment was all about,” he says.

Not only did the Aneros MGX drastically transform Andrews understanding of sexual pleasure, after repeated use, he noticed a difference in his Prostatitis symptoms too. “Along the line, when I was having all of these orgasms, the symptoms I was having for so long improved dramatically,” he said.

It’s clear the prostate profoundly impacts men around the globe, both positively and negatively, but what exactly does it do and how does prostate massage and pleasure, prevent or alleviate prostate illnesses?

The prostate is an essential player when it comes to almost everything to do with the male orgasm cycle and the penis– including ejaculation, urinary flow, general sperm maintenance, and even erection control. “First, the sphincter, which controls the flow of urine is located inside the Prostate. Second, the prostate’s main purpose is creating prostatic fluid, which helps nourish sperm. The prostate is also believed to help set the consistency of the sperm (i.e. thickness). Third, the muscles driving ejaculation are located in the prostate, so it’s responsible for the pumping action. Lastly, the sensory nerves that control an erection run on the exterior of the prostate as well,” Andrews says.

While the science may be inconclusive about the health impacts of prostate massage, there’s enough anecdotal reports and smaller studies done with compelling results to convince even the most hard-lined skeptics. “We’ve had many men come and go who have reported not only the orgasmic aspects but the health aspects. In addition to that, there was a study done in The Open Urology and Nephrology Journal in 2009 that examined the use of the Aneros massager on BPH and chronic pelvic pain syndrome,” Andrews says.

The study, involving 154 men, is the most persuasive study I came across while researching the benefits of prostate massage.  “The study reported 83% of the men reported some degree of improvement for BPH, and out of that, 51% reported very good improvement to total alleviation of symptoms. In the case of chronic pelvic pain, 88% of men reported some degree of improvement, with 62% reporting very good improvement to total alleviation of symptoms,” Andrews says.

Two other smaller studies (one from 1999, the other 2006), focusing on Prostatitis, show similar results, where the majority of men involved experienced either major or complete alleviation of symptoms. However, it’s important to note that both prostatic massage and antibiotics were used during the two studies.

Although acceptance of prostate massage as an antidote for prostate illness has been slow and gradual, if you peel back the dusty pages of medicinal history books, the benefits are unsurprising.  “Prior to the advent of antibiotics, prostate massage was the gold standard for treating these conditions. There really wasn’t anything else at that time,” Andrews says.  

“Antibiotics for urological issues were discovered in the late 50’s early 60’s so there was a great deal of time where men would go to a urologist or family practitioners who would administer prostate massage in the office,” says Andrews.

Regardless of the change in treatment for prostate ailments, like other areas in the body, massage helps with inflammation and congestion, making it a viable alternative for illnesses like BPH (which essentially means having an enlarged prostate).

After examining the (untraditional) evidence, a prudent conclusion is easy to draw: prostate pleasure is beneficial for the male body.

But health isn’t, or at least, shouldn’t be the only line of argument used when talking about why men should play with their prostate. As Andrews mentioned before, the pleasure derived from prostate massage is extraordinary and unlike any other kind of sexual feeling gained from other more common types of sexual endeavours.

There’s a bigger question begging to be asked – what makes a prostate orgasm different from traditional penile orgasm and how can the “super-o” be achieved?

“The prostate has a different arousal pathway than the penis. It’s not the same kind of thing men experience when they have penile stimulation. Penile stimulation is kind of like push button fulfillment. Prostate pleasure is not an automatic response. It’s subtler. It needs to be coaxed and developed. Once you do, however, you discover a level of pleasure of enormous magnitude,” Andrews says.

Many have compared the prostate orgasm to the female g spot, which is unsurprisingly why it’s commonly referred to as the male g-spot and why such orgasms are typically called “p-spot” orgasms or “super o”.  Similar to the female g-spot, the p-spot can be difficult to reach and effectively stimulate. A relaxed and open mind and body are necessary in order to reach this euphoric climax.

 “Any time you’re dealing with anal, the idea is to get someone to relax to begin with and to establish a level of comfort with the whole process. Achieving a Super O requires some level of curiosity and openness. It’s a journey that involves the development of a deeper awareness of one’s physical and mental self,” Andrews says.

Patience is also necessary when searching for your super-o.

“Men are accustomed to this push button gratification. There will be some men who expect to have results from this immediately. In some cases, it can happen but with other guys they’re so inured to a particular way of gratifying themselves (with direct penile stimulation) or reaching a climax, it takes them a while to turn themselves around to this other way (via prostate). There’s some learning that does have to occur before people are able to embrace the higher level of this whole thing,” Andrews says.

So, for those of you who are newcomers to the prostate massage or you’ve been fiddling around back there for a while but can’t seem to reach the super-o, here are some tips:

  • Create a relaxing and open space before you begin. Consider introducing mental focus, breath control, and a toy.
  • Start with solo-exploration first. Set time aside where you can focus entirely on the expedition at hand.
  • As suggested by Andrews, take a hot shower or bath to release tension in the body. Hot water relaxes the rear-end AND provides a thorough cleaning before play (make sure you have a cleaning device, also known as a sponge or towel).
  • Now that you’re clean and relaxed – take some more deep breaths. Don’t forget to grab the lube – you’ll need it. Unlike the vagina, the rectum doesn’t provide natural lubrication when stimulated.
  • Begin GENTLY massaging the external and internal parts of your sphincter with your finger. Remember to move slowly.
  • Add more lube – seriously.
  • Slowly penetrate the rectum. The penetration should be very slow at first, using an in and out motion, gradually becoming deeper over time. Continue taking deep breaths.
  • When you feel ready and relaxed, introduce your toy of choice. We recommend using any of Aneros’s products (specifically the MGX classic) but some great alternatives are the Prostate Pro Plus by synergy if you’re on a budget, or Lelo’s Loki Wave if you’re looking for a premium toy.

If prostate pleasure can impact your life as much as Andrews (and a litany of others) say it does, why aren’t more men engaging in it?

Before speaking with Andrews, I was under the impression the prostate was an unexplored, mysterious part of the male body yearning to be uncovered. But after Andrews imparted some intriguing information to me –over 60% of Aneros’s clients are heterosexual men – I started digging around to see if there were comparable statistics out there. A quick google search later, I was shocked by the consistency in numbers I found. According to a survey conducted by Lelo, approximately 71% of straight men in a relationship have tried or would try using a prostate massager. Interestingly, 80% of women said they would perform a prostate massage on their partner if they were asked. And to add another figure into the mix just for fun, HealthyandActive – another sex toy company – has seen a 56% increase in sales over the past 5 years for prostate massagers – with a particular upsurge in heterosexual male buyers.

Although men are evidently convinced that prostate play is beneficial sexually and in regards to their health, their reluctance or hesitancy with sharing their experiences continues shrouding prostate pleasure in secrecy. “There is a stigma about anal that’s still out there. With many men believing that if you engage in this it’s some reassignment of their sexual orientation. That their instantly gay if they do it,” says Andrews.

So, it’s time, boys, to open up about your experiences with prostate play and abolish this illogical and homophobic stigma about anal. If you aren’t convinced from what you’ve read so far, maybe you’ll be convinced with these final words provided by Andrews.

“People who have attained the Super O generally feel empowered much as one might be if they discovered an additional sense of perception or a super power. There’s a quality of joy and self-confidence that comes with this in knowing that you have the ability to generate limitless pleasure and the potential to engage with others on a completely new level,” says Andrews.

There we have it – now you know everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the prostate, and maybe even a bit more. Go grab your prostate massager, or spend some time with your fingers, and explore a new part of your body, and unlock the world of prostate pleasure.  




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