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Can Women Have Wet Dreams?

We all know that men can have wet dreams but did you know that women can too? If you have ever woken up from a sexy dream with a feeling of complete satisfaction, you may have had one and just don’t remember it!

Sleep orgasms happen to about 85% of women by the time they reach 21, according to one study (1) but because women orgasm internally and there is no evidence as there would be with men, many women are left unaware of their pleasurable nighttime activities.

So, how does one go about having a sleep orgasm? Well, reaching a healthy REM stage of deep sleep makes for a good beginning. Women’s genitals can potentially engorge as much as they would when masturbating or watching porn.

And speaking of porn, reading erotic fiction, or watching erotic videos before going to sleep may help set the stage for a sleep orgasm since you will already be partially aroused.

Sleeping on your front is also recommended, since it allows the most stimulation to the clitoris and is associated with the most vivid dreams.

Good news for women in their 40s and 50s too, since they are statistically more likely to experience sleep orgasms than younger women.

The takeaway is that, while you can’t guarantee a sleep orgasm or even remember it in the morning, you can set the stage and hopefully wake up feeling incredibly satisfied.

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